Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yesterday, Steve and I went to our first parenting class to really get this adoption process moving. I was excited all day, anticipating being with other people who had these common goals. It also meant spending some time with Steve to become better at a task we have been working on with our own two for seven years.

But, the way the day started, I was wondering if I should rethink the whole "add another kid into this mix"...but that story is for another post that includes the joys(or trauma) of teaching phonics. A few deep breaths later and a prayer or two, we got the day back on track.

The girls were so elated to be spending the evening with Kay-Kay aka Kelley, who is the best thing out there next to cherry coke or a shopping spree. But, who would have ever thought the day would end the way it did. I love Kay-Kay, BUT, the remnants of her night of babysitting are still lingering.

It is indescribable.
The stench.
They had a blast. Made cookies. Painted. Played. Watched tv. Read books. We talked. Met new friends. Ate. Shopped. Laughed. Talked via the cell phone for most of the hour ride home from the parenting class...yet,who would have thought I would walk in my home to this...

Poor Kay-Kay.
She feels awful.
She forgot to just push the popcorn button.
"Oh, the smoke billowed," she giggled.
I woke up at 3:00 a.m., because of the stink.

Will the microwave survive? Who has tips on ways to remove the cooked on soot? Any helpful hints are appreciated. Have a wonderful day and pop a bag just for me.


Leslie said...

Maybe put a bowl of lemon juice and boil it! Yah never know. I don't think febreeze will work in there. I'll keep thinking for ya...

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

I can't think of a worse smell...well, maybe a few. LOL! You poor thing. I don't know...maybe putting a bowl of water and vinegar in there and boiling it, and then making a paste of water and baking soda to scrub it afterwards.

Good luck!


Christina said...

Man..I hate the burnt smell of popcorn! I hope you figure out how to get it out! Sorry no tips from me!

Melissa said...

Put it next to the curb on garbage day..should work.

Stephanie said...

that will take a few days. That is a BAD smell.
Your merman comment cracked me up.
Thank you for praying for me. Please continue to pray.