Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's a week in and it is still a Happy New Year. We finally finished with the last of the Christmas and birthday gifts just last night and I am glad to put away the tape and scissors for a while. The house is UN-decorated, and bedrooms are cleaned out and rearranged so that all the new "stuff" could fit! For Stephanie that meant making room on her shelves for more books, finding a place to keep her guns (nerf and marshmallow!) and organizing her make-up caboodle. Olivia has a clean closet now, so she can breath more deeply. Her walls are a little fuller with posters and a Harry Potter shelf, nail polish and make-up are neatly organized into her professional carrier and her remote-control car and guns are away, but within reach!

School has started back and my little speedsters are going to finish so early, I am looking to add a little more extra activity into the schedule. Most likely dance class. I might push softball too, we will see.

This month we are learning about South America in our co-op group with Africa next month. I guess a few extra trips to Busch Gardens will happen then! For now, I have one researching traditional art and jewelry, so we will have some projects very soon, so it seems. PE&Art classes begin this week, I bet that new football and kickball will be heading out with us on Wednesday, maybe even the scooters! These girls are so much fun!

Football season is winding down, Steve will survive... this week it feels like spring is in the air and I am not quite ready for that... I am still in need for some of the rest that comes with a good long winter. A girl can dream! 

P.S. Pics are not working for now, will try later!

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