Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bragging Rights

This past year part of our weekly schedule was a BUSY Wednesday! We left the house each week around 8:30 a.m. and we did not get home until around 8:00 p.m.! The day included P.E. and Art class. Lunch and play time at the park. An afternoon of library and computer school. Hanging out at Aunt Sam's house. And finally going to First Baptist of Wildwood for AWANA.

It is a weekly club where the kids learn scriptures and earn badges. Olivia shot for the stars. She did an amazing job. In one year she did what is written in the curriculum to take 3 years. She was on a mission. Her teachers Ms. Debbie and Ms. Trina were her biggest cheerleaders. Every Wednesday at the end of club the entire kids program would meet back together and recognized by their peers for their hard work. I think all but one week of the year she had her name called and all cheered!
She received a special plaque and a beautiful bible as her reward for all of her efforts. Her tenaciousness gives her braggin rights for a long time! We are so very proud of her!

Notice all her badges!

Chloe was like the little engine that could....she never gave up and the last night of class was beaming from ear to ear and proud of her ribbon and completion of her book too! She was braggin that she decided not to be a "slacker" anymore! Gotta love this girl!

This is the lovely Ms. Trina. I don't think Olivia knew she would love her teacher so much...I did! I always knew she would be the student who won the heart of her teacher and would wear the badge of "teacher's pet" proudly!! Olivia will miss her, but I bet there will be lots of hugs next year when she can sneak away to find Ms. Trina!

What an incredible treasure this church body has given to our family. Our kids have always loved VBS with them, and summer camp too, now they can add AWANA to the list! Olivia can not wait to go to her first overnight camp that is coming in July!

Bugging out at MOSI

One of our end of the year field trips was to MOSI. We went with good friends and ones that really "bugged" us! The exhibit was amazing. The wall decor and the doll house structures were fantastic!! Put it on your to-do list for the summer. We watched two great IMAX movies as well. Thanks Amy for sharing the fun!

Bugs were everywhere!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fun Times

I had the most wonderful Mother's Day! My girls gave me coupon books full of coupons for pedicures, bed making, dish doing, laundry folding and even some hugs and kisses! I love them so much, some days I can't believe they are mine! They are funny and so kind. One thing that I love most is that they don't just save it for the one day a year that Mother's are celebrated, I get shown it all the time !

One of my memories this year will be of the woman we met during lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. We were sitting inches away from her and as she sat alone, my heart went out to her wondering if she was a mother. Could I have this table full of blessings with my girls, and yet she be alone and uncelebrated? The whole restaurant was full of Mother's getting a lunch out but with someone to share their meal with. We gently began conversation. The girls complimented her on her jewelry and we soon learned that she was Mother of five grown kids, 12 grand kids and 6 great grands. Her sporadic conversation soon came with ease and developed into a details of her life here and the life in Ohio she had left. I was so glad to have shared the day with her. We never exchanged names, we just shared life on this great day of both being Mothers. My girls told me when we got in the car that they were proud of me for sharing my Mother's Day with a stranger. I was glad too!

Saturday, May 7th, we had our end of the year Science Fair. Each of the kids worked on a project and presented it to their peers and to the adults who came. They all did a tremendous job! Stephanie's was on the lastability of gum. She was quite the presenter!

Olivia had worked on finding out which lip gloss lasts the longest. She was in her element!

I felt it was necessary to celebrate Cinco de Mayo last week. So I had a plate of redneck nachos. Yes people, we keep it simple around here.

We have had some cat drama around our home lately, but Greyday has decided she is staying. Her stress has been so high she is losing her fur, but we are doing all but give cat spa treatments to reduce her stress.

Another day recently, a group of us headed to MOSI to take in the day. We had a great time. It was nice to have them be older to wander the areas on their own...they knew we were right on the other side of the wall, but they liked their independence. We saw two great movies and the BUG exhibit. It was amazing to see what can be done with dead bugs!

This picture was back from Easter. I love it. The girls love their Papa and he adores them. Soon they will be taller than him, but he just gets cuter all the time.

I never posted about Easter, but we had our usual egg hunt in the house. They crack me up... I wonder if at 19 they will want plastic eggs hidden down the hallway in plain sight. Their baskets were filled with things they needed like shorts, bathing suits and new nightgowns, of course some candy too! Later Olivia asked me if I was the Easter bunny, so I confessed I was! She said, "Yeah, I knew you were, but I was just going along with it!" I think she thought the baskets might end if the truth was told, funny girl!

The pool is open and being used daily. They were being creative this day....I just wonder why do we need a hose on when the pool is full of water! $$$$$$$$

Quite brilliant they are!