Thursday, November 19, 2009

Being Thankful

This is my favorite time of year. I love this season, in fact being thankful and having a heart of gratitude gets serious points in my book. Just ask my kids. It seems like everything goes against this teaching... discontentment, always wanting more, it never being enough, or just plain old whining.

It is something in the business of life that I must make a conscious effort to do...not because it is hard, I just overlook some of the greatest things to be thankful for because I am staring at piles of laundry and dust!

So here is the short list:
1. My family. I have a hard working husband who is always looking for ways to make his three girls happy. He gives of his time, and whatever else is needed. My lovely girls...they make me smile daily. Sometimes I hug a little too hard and long. I guess I want them to know that they make my life complete.
2. My friends. They are my family. They surely are given to me from the Lord. I can never say I am a lonely girl...because of them. Even my blogging friends, they let me see things outside of my normal everyday world. For that I am thankful.
3. My church. It is a group of people who love the Lord and serve Him in a way that is inspiring. I am so thankful I can be myself and be loved.
4. A good job. Homeschooling is a chance to use my gift of teaching. (This is the play we went to a few weeks ago. It was the story of Scrooge. It was very inspiring to the kids to look into Kid's Theatre)
5. Steve's job. He loves it. I am so thankful that he gets to use his talents and has a passion for it. Because of our blessings and good stewardship, we have let the ten year old white camry go to the Toyota heaven and we have a new blessing, Mr. Blue.
I could go on and on, but I said it was a short list. We are heading to a vacation for the Thanksgiving holidays and for that I am THANKFUL! Feel loved, because you are.

1 comment:

The Cannon Chronicles said...

We are thankful for you too! Thanks for always having such interesting, thought provoking, comments and posts. I really enjoy your blog. Have a great Thanksgiving and vacation!