Monday, January 31, 2011

Homeschool Co-op Space

We spent two Fridays over the past two months reviewing planets and space. Learning some new facts and having some great fun. One of the highlights was our trip on a Friday evening up to University of Florida to hear the professor share about space and to be able to look up at the Night Sky! We were able to see a number of constellations and even Jupiter! Some of us even saw all four of its moons. It was amazing. The bands were shown that night in a north south rotation, and usually we are accostumed to seeing them east to west.

This observation was done to show how meteor hit and land on the moon and how without gravity the dust moves and lands.
Phases of the moon was a big hit!
That darn revolution, rotation and moon and stars left some minds just swirling!
Gravity and the raw egg....everyone but me was successful at packing it in and the egg staying protected...mine... BUSTED!

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