Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spiritual amnesia

If you have about fifteen dollars to spend, I have a plan for it. Buy the book, Crazy Love. Now, let me preempt you with it is not a hot under the collar romance with Harlequin beating down the door, it is not a memoir of some less than competent person seeking after their prince charming.

It is a rock your world, spin you around, sail through the wind, slap your knee amazing challenge written by a man who knows God is love, but wants us to KNOW His love. In just the first thirty pages I was left in silent awe at the Creator's relentless ability to show me His majesty.

pg. 29. "There is an epidemic of spiritual amnesia going around, and none of us is immune. No matter how fascinating details we learn about God's creation, no matter how many pictures we see of His galaxies, and no matter how many sunsets we watch, we still forget." Crazy Love

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech of language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Psalm 19:1-4


lori said...

I will be checking that one out. I will be calling you form the book store when i forget the name though

Jeanne said...

Looks good, Jilly! I'm not ready to take the plunge yet, but it would make for good reading while I'm up with Jake in the middle of the night, huh?

Stephanie said...

This is a book you could read 100 times and get something new every time. I am so glad you are reading it. I just wish you could meet on my back porch with the other girls to talk about it!!!
Every page of Crazy Love is packed with wonderful/convicting truths.