Sunday, February 8, 2009

February's Co-ops

Friday we had our monthly co-op class. All About Animals studied the arctic animals. Olivia's animal was the arctic hare. She was not real thrilled about it at first and protested the rhyme I suggested which was "The arctic hare lives in the arctic and has hair." I thought this might be all she learned since we had quite a few weeks of serious germidge around here...but she pulled it together and shared some facts.

The group made some adorable bag puppets that matched their individual animals, and were so proud. They also made the cutest snow owls with cotton and pine cones. What a fun day.

The big girls wrapped up their study of the 18th century with the American Revolution and the birth of our country. Stephanie made me so proud with her narrative she wrote on Wyn Mabie who was a spy and helper to George Washington. She is growing up so fast, she is a fabulous reader and a whiz at math. She loves the challenge of learning her bible verses too. I love it!

Here is one for the memory books...some of you will sing right along and it will bring back memories of your childhood Saturday mornings. Enjoy!

1 comment:

The Cannon Chronicles said...

It looks like Olivia had a "hare" raising good time learning about that arctic hare. Her project looked "cool!"