Summer math...daughter + makeup + dad = scary clown
Full grown cystal tree. Evaporation, and liquids to gas!
First step in growing crystals. Summer science, yee haw!
Tents in the living room during afternoon showers.
What a day we had today. I was worried when demands for breakfast were being made before the sun was shining, and whines were heard about a messy bed...but to my great delight cereal and a short prayer for peace got us back on track. I cleaned a few closets, shelves and the school room, and the girls were BUSY.
They did a fun art project, we had our short science lesson on phases of matter, and evaporation which resulted in a great crystal tree. This is quick and fun for the kids if you want to study crystals. It was a day of rain, and so since we were cooped-up we made tents in the living room. They packed half of their belongings to go 15 feet down the hall. I loved it because they cleaned it all up by themselves. Yahoo!
Steve came home and Olivia got ahold of him while I was cooking dinner and the result was a little scary. I would not say it was one of his most handsomest moments, but he was tops in Daddy world.
Steve is a good Daddy! I love the crystal tree that looks awesome!
Olivia did a mighty fine job on that daddy of hers! Beauty she comes! :) Do tell me more about this crystal tree. How neat is that? But, I have to say my favorite part is the tents! Don't you know they'll remember that forever and love you even more for letting them do it! :) Love ya
You guys are such awesome parents
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