The talent show was a new event, and Stephanie wanted to sing a solo without any music. She loves Mandisa's song "Stronger" and did an incredible job, so I hear. I have no pictures or video since we were not there, but she was the top girl. A boy beat her out for first place with his original piano piece. We are both so proud of her ability to get up in front of her peers and pull that off! Olivia was a cheerleader in the crowd, and I guess a very loud one!
Lots of friends!
Theme verse, 2 Peter 1:3
Still getting settled and kicking parents out!
Parent night. I love them, and yet He loves them even more.
Worship service.
Abbie and Olivia were the newbies this year. They were brave as they were on different teams than their closest friends. It was good for them, made them stretch and be confident.
Maddie came as a visitor, she will join in next year. She was making the "deals", and walked away with three bags of skittles after a night of fun!
This is the dorm the girls stayed in. Camp Geneva in Fruitland Park was the host of the camp this year. There is a lake to swim in (yikes, I had to just pretend it was a pool!) a nice big pool, and lots of land to play on. The girls made memories that we hope will last them a lifetime!