Our favorite rocky beach in FL. Honeymoon Island
These are some spongey girls! We were able to wind up our school year with our last camping trip to Tarpon Springs, FL. Of course we had a fabulous time. We ate incredible Greek food down at the docks. We explored an island three miles offshore by traveling on a pontoon boat. It was beautiful and sunny. Our campground was the best patch of land 100 yards off of an 8-lane major highway anyone could ask for. We loved the pool and the company too. We were taken by surprise when we went to our favorite State Park to go and explore the rocky shore at Honeymoon Island, only to find a gorgeous white-sandy beach that had been "de-rocked". Stephanie was quite disappointed, for she is our little collector. Not to worry, we came home with treasures only a seven year old could love. Another adventure on the books.