Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter celebrations

How awesome are His creations...and how blessed are we to have a Savior give his life for us. This Easter season we took time to remember the real reason we have celebrations. New life begins with Him and new life begins in an egg...and thus, you have it, every reason to have the numerous egghunts; according to my children. Of course you must have a basket to put them in, and who really wants a bunch of yolks? So how great is it that someone thought of putting candy in them. My girls think it makes the day even SWEETER! Olivia said "Aww, my dreams are coming true!" as she gazed lovingly at her candy stash she had collected at three different hunts.

So pretty dresses, church, family, friends and a ham all line up to take a bow on this Sunday. No one can get all gussied up and not do a few poses. That is what these silly girls did. Strike a pose! We do love them so!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Break

Sun,fun and goosebumps. That was our Spring break in a nutshell. We spent time with my college roommate, Faith and her two kids. The resort was fabulous and there were six pools and the Atlantic ocean to go into. It was too chilly for me, but the kids loved the slides and the body surfing. Making sandcastles was also a hit. The kids made boats out of popsicle sticks and had a race in the lazy river pool. Olivia won first place and was so proud of her ribbon. So here we go into sunscreen weather and bathing suit world. Crank down the A/C and treat yourself to a bowl of fresh strawberries.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Island kids

So who knew that the continent of Australia was renamed Oceania and includes all of the islands of the South Pacific? The kids had a great time dressing up, learning about marsupials, and the adventures of Captain Cook, among a host of other topics concerning island life. The school day included oral presentations, a luau feast, and an outdoor game of kangaroo sack race. It was a beautiful day and filled with great company.

Early spring

"A man's house is his castle." We have heard this many times, and there is some truth to it, we do love our home. Our azaleas just bloomed so thick and full this year, we beamed with pride. The girls are so funny. They have remarked a number of times that they never want to move - well, maybe someday, when they are grown and move into their own house. They have it all worked out in their mind.

Olivia will be the cleaner and Stephanie will be the cooker. Maybe they will even live in the same house when they get married. It all makes me chuckle, hearing their plans. We are not any different than most of you reading this, offering our kids life experiences that will make them well-rounded, confident, young women, and having fun doing it.