Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer fun!

 Serious jewelry making!
 Stormie and boxes!
 We have this field near us where the perenial peanut flowers grow. We call it the "Cheese" field because it looks like the powder from mac and cheese. We just love it!
 Stephanie's photography of some fresh veggies we got from a local farm. Boy were they good!
 We've tried our hand at making smoothies this summer, thinking about those early mornings that will be coming soon when school starts!
 Hillbilly Conrad stopped by for dinner as he was headed north to Tallahassee.
Elijah had a pool party for turning 12, they are all growing up so fast!

A MADHouse Sleepover

MADHouse is our Middle School Youth Group at our church. The girls wanted to have a sleepover during the summer, and so we did! It was a super fun time. These girls were so much fun! They had me in stitches so many times. Laughing and squealing until the wee hours!
They indulged me for photos more than once! Elisa, though, she was the photographer! Stephanie was too busy having fun to get her camera going!

 A little Twister anyone?
 Personal pizzas! What a mess, but oh so good!

 Movie time!
 Midnight s'mores!

 Whip that hair!
 There were bodies everywhere!
Pancakes for breakfast and a feast of goodies for lunch and then we had to say goodbye! I hope it is not too long before we have everyone over again, because we do like a good time!